Take advantage of a fantastic marketing opportunity and give away this bamboo spoon at your next event! It’s eco-friendly (100% renewable resource), naturally heat and bacteria resistant, and dishwasher safe. This is the perfect gift for clients who have just completed a special purchase. Imprint this with your company logo. Due to the natural variations in the grain, laser engraved imprints may have slightly different shades. Stir up some business with this great item!
Mini USB Fan for Phone
$0.69 – $1.50
Plastic Easy To Pull Badge Hanging /Telescopic Buckle
$0.28 – $0.67
Bamboo Spoon Stirring Rod
$0.36 – $1.20
This is the perfect gift for clients who have just completed a special purchase.
Tag: Entertainment; Native Americans; Relaxation; Trade Show; Recycled
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1. Purpose: Standardize transport and ensure safety
2. Scope: Road rail air and water transport
3. Safety: Proper packaging tool checks and safety gear for personnel
4. Responsibility: Transporters are responsible for cargo safety
5. Documents: Sign contracts and retain documents
6. Violations: Corrective measures and penalties
7. Effective Date: Effective from the date of publication